Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Greek religion and mythology Essay Example for Free
Greek religion and folklore Essay In Greek religion and folklore, Pan (Ancient Greek: à á ¾ ¶Ã® ½, Pä n) is the lord of the wild, shepherds and runs, nature of mountain wilds, chasing and provincial music, and friend of the nymphs.[1] His name begins inside the Ancient Greek language, from the word paein (Ãâ¬Ã® ¬Ã® µÃ® ¹Ã® ½), which means to pasture.[2] He has the rump, legs, and horns of a goat, in a similar way as a faun or satyr. With his country in rural Arcadia, he is perceived as the divine force of fields, forests, and lush glens; along these lines, Pan is associated with richness and the period of spring. The antiquated Greeks likewise believed Pan to be the lord of dramatic criticism.[3] In Roman religion and legend, Pans partner was Faunus, a nature god who was the dad of Bona Dea, in some cases recognized as Fauna. In the eighteenth and nineteenth hundreds of years, Pan turned into a critical figure in the Romantic development of western Europe, and furthermore in the twentieth century Neopagan movement.[4] Beginnings In his soonest appearance in writing, Pindars Pythian Ode iii. 78, Pan is related with a mother goddess, maybe Rhea or Cybele; Pindar alludes to virgins adoring Cybele and Pan close to the writers house in Boeotia.[5] The parentage of Pan is unclear;[6] in certain fantasies he is the child of Zeus, however by and large he is the child of Hermes or Dionysus, with whom his mom is supposed to be a fairy, in some cases Dryope or, in Nonnus, Dionysiaca (14.92), Penelope of Mantineia in Arcadia. This fairy sooner or later in the custom became conflated with Penelope, the spouse of Odysseus. Pausanias 8.12.5 records the story that Penelope had in actuality been unfaithful to her better half, who expelled her to Mantineia upon his arrival. Different sources (Duris of Samos; the Vergilian analyst Servius) report that Penelope laid down with every one of the 108 admirers in Odysseus nonappearance, and brought forth Pan as a result.[7] This fantasy mirrors the society historical background that compares Pans name (à î ¬Ã® ½) with the Greek word for all (Ãâ¬Ã¡ ¾ ¶Ã® ½).[8] It is bound to be related with paein, to pasture, and to impart a birthplace to the cutting edge English word field. In 1924, Hermann Collitz proposed that Greek Pan and Indic Pushan may have a typical Indo-European origin.[9] In the Mystery religions of the exceptionally syncretic Hellenistic era[10] Pan is made related with Phanes/Protogonos, Zeus, Dionysus and Eros.[11] The Roman Faunus, a lord of Indo-European inception, was likened with Pan. In any case, records of Pans family history are shifted to such an extent that it must lie covered somewhere down in mythic time. Like other nature spirits, Pan gives off an impression of being more established than the Olympians, on the off chance that the facts demonstrate that he gave Artemis her chasing hounds and showed the mystery of prescience to Apollo. Dish may be duplicated as the Panes (Burkert 1985, III.3.2; Ruck and Staples 1994 p 132[12]) or the Paniskoi. Kerenyi (p. 174) notes from scholia that Aeschylus in Rhesus recognized two Pans, one the child of Zeus and twin of Arcas, and one a child of Cronus. In the entourage of Dionysos, or in portrayals of wild scenes, there showed up an incredible Pan, yet additionally little Pans, Paniskoi, who had a similar impact as the Satyrs.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Being Self-Employed free essay sample
Points of interest and disservices of acting naturally utilized Being independently employed methods possessing your own endeavor and running it. On one hand, it may look marvelously astonishing, temptingly simple, amazingly rewarding and a general immaculate arrangement. Yet, then again, there is a whole other world to it than what meets the eye. Like each beneficial thing throughout everyday life, there are a couple of negative focuses connected to the independent work also. The favorable circumstances and hindrances are identified with this vocation decision. Right off the bat, all the significant hindrances of independent work can be added as one major bit of awful news: no one is dealing with independently employed. There is no large daddy to go to. The independently employed are distant from everyone else and liable for themselves and frequently for a great deal of others as well. Besides, they are not paid for days off and they should pay for their own medical coverage. There is no youngster care appropriation. It isn't sure that each representative has this sort of inclusion and advantages yet no independently employed has them. We will compose a custom exposition test on Acting naturally Employed or then again any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page On the off chance that independently employed can't work or there is no work for them they don't get paid. They likewise can't have any significant bearing for joblessness benefits. Notwithstanding, something very similar that makes independent work startling is the thing that makes it appealing and daring. No one is dealing with independently employed, yet as opposed to looking on that as terrible news, it becomes as uplifting news: it implies that the independently employed are in control. They are answerable for themselves and regularly for others as well. There is no large daddy to instruct them, how to do it and when to do it. Nor would they be able to be terminated. They have more control of their time and life. Along these lines, in the event that they need to work until three in the first part of the day the entire week to take four vacation days to go skiing â⬠they can. On the off chance that they need to begin day late so they can eat with companions or family â⬠they can. On the off chance that they are not feeling admirably and they need to remain at home â⬠they can. In the event that they have extraordinary thought â⬠they can attempt it. One of the more subtle focal points is the chance of more cash for a similar work. All in all, in spite of the fact that it appears to be a troublesome decision, most insightful experts have confronted every one of these contemplations and have concluded that since they will live just a single time, acting naturally utilized is all the more satisfying and progressively fun.
Sunday, July 26, 2020
8 Essay Collections to Look Out For This Fall
8 Essay Collections to Look Out For This Fall 2018, for me, has been the Year of the Essay. I dont usually read a lot of essays, but after reading a few fantastic collections early this year, Ive become completely hooked. There are so many great essay collections out there! Whether youre looking for something serious or funny, a collection that will shatter you or one that will comfort you, whether youre interested in politics or cooking or pop culture or fashionâ"essay collections are a great way to dip into a whole lot of subjects, or one subject in-depth. Luckily for me (and you!) theres a slew of exciting essay collections coming out this fall. These are books Ive read and loved, and books from beloved authors I cant wait to get my hands on. The end of the summer is always bittersweet, but with such a great lineup of essays coming out in September and October, theres a lot to get excited about this fall. Call Them By Their True Names by Rebecca Solnit (September 4) In her latest collection, Rebecca Solnit, with her typical grace and thoughtfulness, tackles some big and ugly issues, including gun violence and toxic masculinity. Her writing always reminds me that the world holds both beauty and terror equally, and she manages to weave essays that are angry, tender, heartbroken, and hopeful all at once. Everythingâs Trash, But Its Okay by Phoebe Robinson (September 16) Robinsons first essay collection had me laughing out loud one minute and fiercely nodding my head the next. She expertly blends humor with real, biting insight on race, gender, pop culture, and politics. Shes a talented comedian, and it comes through in her writing. Her work is funny truth-talking at its best, and I cant wait to read what shes got to say about feminism (and Bono) in her newest book. Out of the Woods by julia corbett (September 17) In this collection of non-traditional nature essays, Corbett reexamines what we mean when we say nature. Delving into the differences between wild and tame, human-made and natural, she explores all the ways that nature plays a role in our everyday lives. Whether ruminating on garbage, noise, or language, Corbetts fresh take on the natural world shines through in these delightful and insightful essays. Daemon Voices by Philip Pullman (September 18) Philip Pullmans His Dark Materials was one of the first series I fell in love with as a teenager. I cant wait to read what he has to say about storytelling, both in his own process and in the wider world. I always love getting a glimpse into the mind of fiction writers I love, and Im sure this collection will be as smart and creative as Pullmans fictional worlds. American Like Me: reflections on life between cultures edited by america ferrera (September 25) In this anthology about life between and among cultures, thirty-one writers, actors, artists, and others reflect on their experiences as Americans who are also immigrants or the children or grandchildren of immigrants, indigenous, or grew up with strong connections to more than just one culture. Wide-ranging and heartfelt, this timely collections is quintessentially American. Its about the complex relationships that exist between home and country, family and culture, language, and belonging. What If This Were Enough? by heather havrilesky (October 2) In her newest collection, Havrilesky tackles the vast array of misleading and dangerous messages that the world tosses at us every day. From our various cultural delusions about romance and success to the allure of the shiny and new (things, technologies, diets, lifestyles), she deconstructs the various ways these messages harm us, and then offers her thoughts on living another kind of life. Thoughtful, direct, and often funny, these essays are a lovely blend of personal reflection and cultural critique. The Reckonings by lacy m. johnson (October 9) The Reckonings is a beautiful and complicated collection of essays. In essence, these essays are an exploration of violenceâ"sexual violence, environmental violence, racial violence, economic violence. It can be bleak, because Johnson writes about rape and mass shootings and nuclear waste. But its also intellectually rigorous, big-hearted, and nuanced. A gorgeous combination of personal narrative and investigative journalism, these essays ask more questions than they answerâ"in the best possible way. Well-Read Black Girl: finding our stories, discovering ourselves edited by glory edim (October 30) Ive been following Glory Edim (Well-Read Black Girl) on Instagram for a while, so when I saw she was edited an essay anthology I squealed with excitement. This collection contains essays from a slew of incredible black female writers, including Jesmyn Ward, Morgan Jerkins, Tayari Jones, Jacqueline Woodson, and many more. From a variety of angles, these women explore the importance of stories and storytelling, and the importance of finding belongingâ"especially for those from marginalized communitiesâ"in the pages of books. Looking for some essay collections that you can read right now? Check out 50 Must-Read Contemporary Essay Collections, 20 Great Essay Collections from 2017 and 25 Great Essay Collections from 2016. Sign up for True Story to receive nonfiction news, new releases, and must-read forthcoming titles. Thank you for signing up! Keep an eye on your inbox.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Essay On The Killer Strain - 1368 Words
kers in the two examinations sensibly acknowledge that there is a cost to assurance and that this cost isnt as much as the cost of toxin age borne by the killer strain. Inferable from this third part, pairwise joint efforts among the strains have the nontransitive structure of the youth session of shake scissors paper (Bagenda et al. 2007). The creator strain beats the sensitive strain, inferable from the effects of the toxic substance on the last said. The sensitive strain beats the sheltered strain in light of the way that elite the last perseveres through the cost of security. In an unstructured area, this redirection grants incidental cycles, in which each one of the three sorts match uncertainly yet each with fluctuating riches. Inâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦2013). The hyperimmunity state is come to if the system starts with enough not too bad assortment that most territories starting at now have diverse killer and assurance properties. All the more starting late, exploratory trial of a couple of these speculative conclusions have been represented. The primary used as a piece of vitro systems (liquid culture, static plate, and mixed plate circumstances) to review the impact of adjacent affiliations and dispersal on the wealth of three strains of E. coli (C ââ¬â colicin creator; S ââ¬â colicin tricky; R ââ¬â colicin safe). This examination revealed that in conditions where affiliations and dispersal were not only neighborhood, the sheltered strain outperformed the gathering over the traverse of the test. On the other hand, in the static plate condition, where correspondences and dispersal were only neighborhood, the three phenotypes were kept up at similar densities all through the trial (Zacharof et al. 2012). The third condition, mixed plate, revealed that advancement on a surface isnt the key factor, as assurance overpowered exchange strains in this plate in addition. The essential part is whether the affiliations are adjacent or not. The second examination used a mouse model to investigate completely the same colicin components in an in vivo setting, the mouse gut. The C, S, and R strains in these examinations revealed the exceptionally sameShow MoreRelatedLiterary Analysis Of Little Scarlet905 Words à |à 4 PagesBriana Fuquay English 101 10/31/17 Essay#2 Literary Analysis The 1960ââ¬â¢s were an era in the United States where new ideas were developing, and more specifically ideas pertaining to the civil rights movement and its expansion. Protests, parades, and riots were occurring in an attempt to spread freedom for all people, and as some of these events became relevant in the news, the tensions of the country rose. Violence was occurring in many parts of the country due to the ideas of these whoRead MoreA Discussion On The Illness Of Depression942 Words à |à 4 Pagesmanaging clinical depression. 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Friday, May 8, 2020
A Few Notes on Theodore Roosevelt and Wilsonôs Stand in...
1. President Theodore Roosevelt was into helping other countries out and trying to make peace with them all. Roosevelt wanted the world to be stable. He felt that a country should be civilized and have economic development. Roosevelt also believed that if a country was civilized they had the right to interfere in matters of what he called a ââ¬Å"backwardâ⬠nation to reserve constancy and order. Roosevelt stopped Europeans countries from intruding Latin America which became known as ââ¬Å"Roosevelt Corollary.â⬠The Dominican Republic was one of the first chances that the Roosevelt Corollary could be used. Roosevelt created an American receivership distributing revenues to foreign creditors and taking control of Dominican duties. Cuba gained political independence in 1902 which the U.S. granted if they agreed to the Platt Amendment. This amendment allowed the United States to stop foreign countries from trying to capture the new nation. 2. World War I began in 1914 and was a shock to the U.S but the United States chose to stay neutral up until 1917. President Wilson wanted to stay out of European conflict. The war was helping U.S. industries in 1915 because of the demand of ammunition United States Western Allies had. For two and a half years he made no preparations for the war and kept the military small. The U.S. came up with a policy of non-interventionism that tried to negotiate peace and elude conflict. Being neutral was supported among the German Americans, Irish Americans, andShow MoreRelatedImperialism And War : American Foreign Affairs7199 Words à |à 29 PagesImperialism and War: American Foreign Affairs 1865-1920 After the Civil War Americans got busy expanding internally. With the frontier to conquer and virtually unlimited resources, they had little reason to look elsewhere. 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Accessed: 12/10/2013 14:05 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms Conditions of Use, available at . http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/termsRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words à |à 656 PagesLinda Shopes, eds., Oral History and Public Memories Tiffany Ruby Patterson, Zora Neale Hurston and a History of Southern Life Lisa M. Fine, The Story of Reo Joe: Work, Kin, and Community in Autotown, U.S.A. Van Gosse and Richard Moser, eds., The World the Sixties Made: Politics and Culture in Recent America Joanne Meyerowitz, ed., History and September 11th John McMillian and Paul Buhle, eds., The New Left Revisited David M. Scobey, Empire City: The Making and Meaning of the New York City Landscape Read MoreFrom Salvation to Self-Realization18515 Words à |à 75 Pagesfollows will attempt to be suggestive rather than exhaustive to indicate a new approach to the history of American advertising, which has long remained a barren field. Aside from in-house or administrative histories, there is little to choose from. The few historians who have addressed the subject in recent years tend to fall into two opposing camps, best represented by Daniel Boorstin and Stuart Ewen. Boorstin thoughtfully sketches some moral and emotional dilemmas in the culture of consumption, butRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words à |à 1573 Pagesand permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. To obtain perm ission(s) to use material from this work, please submit a written request to Pearson Education, Inc., Permissions Department, One Lake Street, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458, or you may fax your request to 201-236-3290. Many of the designations by manufacturersRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words à |à 760 Pages.............................................................................................. 144 Seeking a Second Opinion ............................................................................................................ 147 Trust Me, I Know It on Good Authority ..................................................................................... 149 Suspending Belief...................................................................................................................
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Harbor Chemicals Free Essays
Assignment 5 Sheet Harbour Chemicals Sheet Harbour Chemicals (SHC) manufactures chemicals used in the paint industry. The process involves three departments. Chemical A, which is purchased for $3 per liter, is processed through Department 1 in batches of 100 liters. We will write a custom essay sample on Harbor Chemicals or any similar topic only for you Order Now Each batch of chemicals processed through Department A produces 70 liters of chemical B and 30 liters of chemical C. Chemical B is sold for $10 per liter. Chemical C is used in Department 2 to produce chemicals D, E, and F. Department 2 processes chemical C in batches of 200 liters. Each batch processed through Department B produces 100 liters of chemical D, 60 liters of chemical E, and 40 liters of chemical F. Chemical D is sold for $12 per liter. Chemical E is a waste product that is donated to the local municipality to be spread on gravel roads to keep down dust. Chemical F is a hazardous waste product that must be disposed of at a cost of $6 per liter. Alternatively, chemical F can be processed through Department 3 to produce chemical C. Department 3 processes chemical F in batches of 40 liters. For each batch of chemical F processed, 20 liters of chemical C are produced. In the past, this operation has had a tendency to build up stocks of chemical C. The maximum storage capactiy for chemical C is 1,000 liters. The accompanying diagram summarizes the production activities at SHC. The sales manager indicates that sales of chemical B cannot exceed 35,000 liters in the upcoming period, and sales of chemical D cannot exceed 10,000 liters. The production manager advises that 7,000 labor-hours are available for the upcoming period. Workers are paid $10 per hour worked. The production manager indicates that the labor-hours required for each batch in Departments 1,2, and 3 are 10, 15, and 10, respectively. Moreoever, because of constraints relating to the mixing vats and storage, the maximum number of batches in Departments 1, 2, and 3 are 600, 80, and 40, respectively. The estimated variable overhead costs per batch in Departments 1, 2, and 3 are estimated as $250, $750, and $100. 2 Required: 1. Formulate an LP to determine the optimal production plan at SHC for the upcoming period. 2. Using Excel, solve the LP formulated in requirement 1 to determine the optimal plan. How to cite Harbor Chemicals, Essay examples
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
The Brady Campaign
The Brady Campaign to prevent gun violence supports the use of a five day waiting period to carry out background checks on individual applicant before they are allowed to purchase a gun.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Brady Campaign specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The Brady campaign relies on regulations and policies to support that position. Brady campaigners argue that on average that there are 268 gun related deaths each day in the United States (Brady Campaign: To Prevent Gun Violence 1). According to Brady Campaign: To Prevent Gun Violence, the five days waiting period was the reason for blocking 69, 000 hand guns from being sold in 1997 (1). Because of that, some of the applicants were later discovered to be indicted of felonies. According to the statistics of 1998, 49,160 applicants for hand guns were denied purchases and by 1999, 3,823 denials had been sustained (Ten Myths about Gun Control 1). Howe ver, from the time the Brady act was legislated, a ââ¬Å"decline in number of violent crimes by 43%, murders by 49%, rapes by 32%, robbery by 51%, and aggravated assault by 39% were recordedâ⬠(Brady Campaign: To Prevent Gun Violence par.2) . The act supports the use of a specific waiting period to acquire a gun while NRA supports the use of instant background checks to acquire a firearm. Kopel argues that after the National Rifle Association (NRA)ââ¬â¢s approach of conducting instant national checks before issuing a gun was implemented, the rate of gun related murder decreased by 21 percent since 1998 and 54 % of Americans support the idea of instant background checks (1). When instant checks were implemented, an increase in 4 million gun purchases was recorded and the number of AR-15 assault semi-automatic rifles purchased increased significantly (Ten Myths about Gun Control 1). The National Rifle Association (NRA) supports the use of instant checks for applicants wanting to purchase guns by arguing that most of the states with the most strict gun laws experience the worst violence of gun related crimes. The National Rifle Association (NRA) and Brady campaigners agree that guns are potential deterrents against people who commit gun related crimes, but disagree on the approach used to evaluate potential customers for the guns (More Guns: Less Crime Again 1). It has been shown that ââ¬Å"more than 100, 000 people in the United Sates are adversely affected by gun related acts of violence each year such as murders and suicideâ⬠(Ten Myths about Gun Control par. 3).Advertising Looking for essay on political sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The ethical issues related with gun control include: Rape Murder Theft Self-defense or protection Robbery Aggravated robbery Burglary Arson Larceny People in favor of possessing guns argue that the risk of homicides which constitute gun related d eaths among the purchasers of guns has increased by 62% since 1962. Research shows that that ââ¬Å"35% of homicides sustained injuries in 2010 because of gun related violenceâ⬠(Ten Myths about Gun Control shows par.1). At the same time, 606 people were injured unintentional because of carelessness. However, guns provide people with the capacity to protect themselves because the police cannot be everywhere at all the time. It is not ethical to kill even if in self-defense. The Brady Campaign: To Prevent Gun Violence website has better statistical evidence in support of their position when compared with the National Rifle Association (NRA)ââ¬â¢s website. Works Cited Brady Campaign: To Prevent Gun Violence. 2013. Web. Kopel, Dave. Twisting the Truth. Web. More Guns: Less Crime Again. 2010, Web. Ten Myths about Gun Control. 1994. Web.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Brady Campaign specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page L earn More This essay on The Brady Campaign was written and submitted by user Ricardo Strickland to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
How to Write an Argumentative Essay on Medicalization as a Social Concept
How to Write an Argumentative Essay on Medicalization as a Social Concept If you are writing an argumentative essay on medicalization as a social concept, there are steps you should follow. Research: As you begin doing research for your argumentative essay on medicalization as a social concept it is important that you have certain questions in mind. These questions should drive your research with precision and guide your overall paper. Use libraries and the internet to your advantage. Both have viable resources available. If you do use the internet be sure to double check any web address you put as a reference. After you type it into the reference page, click on the link and see if it leads to the page you want it to lead. The worst thing is to write it down incorrectly and have your grade suffer as a result. Time Management: When you sit down to work on your argumentative essay on Medicalization as a social concept, make sure you are using your time wisely. The best amount of time to set aside to work is a solid forty five minutes of time. The brain can actively focus on a single task for forty five minutes before you need a break. So if you have two or more hours to dedicate to your work it is best that you set a timer for forty five minutes and then take a five or ten minute break in between. Then return and complete the second forty five minute set. During your breaks make sure you walk around. Get up and move about. This will encourage blood flow and help your mind to be more creative. As you get up and move around make sure to observe your surroundings. Mere observation during your breaks will go a long way towards helping you to be a good writer. If you are going to an entire day set aside to work on your writing you should aim for a solid five to seven hours of writing. Do not write for more than seven hours. Remember too that every day you spend on your work should not be dedicated to writing. Mix and match research with organizing and writing. If you are unable to focus or having trouble writing creatively, then spend your time doing something else related to your paper like your bibliography. Writing: Develop a thesis that captures your response. Your thesis is a statement which expresses your response to the question at hand, or the argument you are going to make about Medicalization as a social concept. It should express the complexities behind your topic. It forms the foundation of the paper. It needs to be stated clearly in your introduction, and then referred to multiple times throughout the body of your text. When you are done writing the body of your text and have crafted every argument it is time to write the conclusion. Many students simply repeat the content they have in their introduction. Unfortunately this is not adequate. Your conclusion should put your arguments or research into context. It should show the role it plays in the big picture and encourage the reader to reflect on the issue or on future research paths. This guide should help you put your emphasis on aspects that are appropriate for such genre and matter. Donââ¬â¢t forget to also check our 10 facts on medicalization as a social concept for an argumentative essay and also 20 selected topics with 1 sample essay.
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
6 Things You Must Ask Before Accepting a Job Offer
6 Things You Must Ask Before Accepting a Job Offer Got the job? Great. Now you need a crash course in negotiating. Donââ¬â¢t be too difficult or demanding, but do ask for what you want and need- respectfully and professionally. Here are 6 things to make sure you discuss before you sign the contract.1. The Money You WantSalary is the number one negotiated term for any new position. Do your research into the industry standards for your position, taking into account any extra expertise you might have- or any missing links. If youââ¬â¢re going to ask for more money, be prepared to explain why you deserve it. And why it would be in their best interests to spend the extra cash to get you on board.2. SweetenersIf youââ¬â¢re lucky enough to be in a field that typically offers signing bonuses, that can help mitigate a slightly lower salary offer. Again, do your research. Donââ¬â¢t ask for anything extortionate or too far out of the ordinary. But do use it as leverage if the hiring manager says theyââ¬â¢d really like to offer yo u a higher salary, but they just donââ¬â¢t have the authorization. Maybe they can get the authorization for a signing bonus.3. Vacay DaysTime off is important to most of us. It might even be more important to you than your annual salary. If this is your main demand, you can ease up on the money talk and ask for compensation in more vacation days. Donââ¬â¢t forget to mention that your productivity increases exponentially when you have time off to reset.à 4. Regular ReviewsHungry to get up the ladder? Not totally jazzed by your new job title? Make sure to formally request performance reviews. If youââ¬â¢re doing your job well, this is the surest way to title bumps and increased compensation. Show ââ¬Ëem what youââ¬â¢ve got!5. Moving MoneyIf you need to uproot and go halfway across the country, be sure to ask for relocation assistance. Most companies have a separate budget for this. Be sure to go into the negotiation with a clear idea of how much your move is going to cost so you know how much youââ¬â¢ll need to ask for.à 6. The Opportunity for FlexibilityThis can be a tough one, since the company doesnââ¬â¢t know your work style yet. They donââ¬â¢t know how productive and fabulous you are, because you havenââ¬â¢t shown them. But if schedule freedom is that important to you, or to your work, itââ¬â¢s okay to mention it in these initial negotiations.Remember: negotiating isnââ¬â¢t easy. And salary is just one piece of the puzzle. Make sure you know what your needs and wishes are, then rank them in order of importance. You canââ¬â¢t ask for everything right out of the gate, but you can (and should) ask for the most important.
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Discuss the way in which organisational structures impacts on the flow Essay
Discuss the way in which organisational structures impacts on the flow of work and overall purposes of the service are achieved - Essay Example that an organization can either be formally aligned in its ways and means of doing things and different processes or the same might just be in a way informal in quite a few of its activities and tasks. The manner in which it runs across this paradigm is something that needs to be studied in depth before we reach further consensus on their purposes and the kind of achievements that they have had. As we talk about an organization, we see that within it the communication can flow in one of three ways or in all the three directions. This means that these three directions pave the way for the ease of communication and there are as such no barriers to arise from the whole equation. The first communication flow is from top to bottom, which means that the communication starts from the top management and goes down towards the middle and lower management. It ensures that the instructions are easily made comprehensible for all and sundry who are within the middle and lower cadres and there are as such no discrepancies arising from this form of communication flow. The second form could be the one that starts from the lower or middle management and goes up towards the top management. A common example of this kind of communication flow is in the type of protests and rallies that arise at the lower level and the lower management wants to make sure that their voice gets heard courtesy the top cadre of the organization. The third communication flow could be in the kind of peer to peer communication and interaction. This means that the employees and the workers at the same level communicate within their own capacities and as such there are no hindrances arising from the whole communication matrix. Apart from this, within an organization the communication also flows in a formal as well as an informal manner. Where the communication is more formal and sophisticated, the interaction is usually done through paper and written requests whereas the informal talk is also called
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Sports, Entertainment and Media after the 2nd World War Essay
Sports, Entertainment and Media after the 2nd World War - Essay Example By associating physicality with masculinity, certain sports/activities are labeled as either being masculine or feminine, depending upon the physical nature of the activity. Sports in which the use of body is forceful, dominating or aggressive, are considered fit for males because they are indicators of male power and thus, a definitive expression of physicality. But according to Lisa McDermott, physicality is suggested to be the complex interplay of the body perception, the agency and self-perception and is related to the qualitative understanding the lived-body as experienced and understood by the women when they are involved in sports or physical activities. To explore the meaning and significance the women derive from experiencing their bodies/themselves through these activities and the effects of these experiences greatly helps in shaping their understanding of their physicality beyond that of appearance in particular. By doing so she tries to help us understand the physical and social effect these experiences have on women in identifying themselves. In reference to the research carried out by Lisa McDermott; "Towards Understanding of Physicality, Within the Context of Women's Physically Active and Sporting Lives," this paper will examine female physicality in relation to sports and my chosen game; "Netball." It will discuss how society and media projects and labels certain sports only for males and how the females are subjected to unequal status as being physically weak. The paper will also look into the gender relations based on social and cultural norms. The last part will assess, to which extent; taking part in physical sport has changed the concept of female physicality, subjectivity and gender relations in relation to the existing social norms. Sports and gender Sports in the minds of many, is considered a "gendered" activity which reinforces male power. The stereotyping of the so called "biological difference" between males and females in the past w as used as the basis of exclusion of females from sport. Within the literature of sport sociology, we often find physicality linked with power related to physical power and masculinity. Even though the postmodern society holds out the likelihood of a post-gender society, gender as a system signifying differential values still exists (Firat, 1994) with sport such as rugby, football, ice hockey or boxing, and women still looked at as wives and mothers. An example in this respect is golf, where mothers on golf courses are more likely to be labeled deviant and asked to account for the care of their families than fathers on golf courses (West, Candace and Don H. Zimmerman, 1987). Although there are other sports which reflect physical strength and women are actively participate in them, but I'll discuss netball here in relation to physicality. Netball as a sport, which was earlier cited as only for females, entered a new era after the 70s when it began to be restructured into a profession ally administrated sporting organization and better funding.
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Frigg Field Case Study
Frigg Field Case Study CUTTING AND REMOVAL OF PLATFORM FOUNDATIONS Callum Toole: 201662274 Antonios Poulis: 201685557 Marinos Mavroulis: 201667892 Abraham Ejiro Ibodje: 201653157 1.1 NORTH SEA Since the first steel piled jacket foundation (SPJF) was installed in the North Sea in 1967 there has been a total of 556 installed and 52 have been decommissioned after operational use. The operational water depth of the North Sea varies as SPJF are split into small and large categories. Of the original 556 foundations 392 were installed in water depths of less than 55m leaving 164 foundations reaching to depths of 190m (Oil Gas UK, 2012) (Offshore-mag, 2000). With oil and gas reserves depleting in this area more and more installations are applying for cease of production (CoP) to begin the decommissioning cycle. It has been estimated that over the next 25 years there will be à £35bn spent on decommissioning activity in the North Sea alone (Decom North Sea, 2014). 1.2 CASE STUDY FRIGG FIELD The Frigg Field is situated in the North Sea with 6 differing fixed foundation structures spread over UK and Norwegian blocks 10/1 and 25/1 respectively. These fixed foundations are a mixture of SPJF and Gravity Based Structures (GBS). For the remainder of this assignment the Frigg Field case study will only consider the cutting and removal of DP2 an 8 leg SJPF which supported a drilling and production platform Figure 2, (Total, 2003). Key aspects of the Frigg Field DP2 to be considered are: Water depth 98m (321.5ft) Production depth 1850m (6070ft) 24 wells drilled in total for production 20 original steel pile foundations (4 external at each corner leg and 4 internal at inner legs) (T Gram, 2011) at 60 diameter (Total, 2003) Jacket recovery via re-float technique after successful installation of buoyancy and cutting of foundations In the North Sea, the selection of the ROV system is vital to its success of the cutting and removal of the DP2 jacket foundations. This is due to the ever-changing dynamic offshore environment that effect cutting, lifting and removal of subsea infrastructure. 2.1 ROV UNIT The Oceaneering Millennium Plus (OMP) 220hp heavy work class ROV was selected for the cutting and removal of the Frigg DP2 foundations due to its operational capabilities. The ROVs working class design allows for front assembled dual manipulators to be interactive with the task in hand. Weighing in at 4,000kg the OMPs dimensions are (LxWxH) (Oceaneering, 2017). The depth capabilities of the ROV exceed the depth needed to fully operate in the North Sea conditions at the Frigg site as it is rated for up to depths of 3,000m. A main consideration of the OMP is its station keeping abilities and dual hydraulic units of 110hp powering 4 vectored horizontal and 4 vertical propulsion units. This allows for 2,000lbs of thrust to be used in the lateral, forward and reverse directions with a vertical thrust of 2,800lbs. 2.2 VISIBILITY TOOL INTERACTION Another main consideration of the ROV selected is its ability to interact clearly with tooling and structures at the water depth. This is made possible by the dual manipulators having 5 degrees of function which is powered by a 24V DC and 110V AC power supply on board. To successfully clear, cut and remove the 20 pile foundations the OMP is versatile enough to interact with heavy duty tools to do the jobs of dredging, cutting and use its manipulators to fit buoyancy cans within 15 mm tolerance for removal operations (Oceaneering, 2017) (Total, 2011). The OMP will be interacting with a standalone subsea dredge and an External Cutting Tool when at operational depths. But also has the ability to be fitted with various skid pans if needed. The ECT selected for the cutting operations of the pile foundations is an abrasive water jet cutting approach due to its multi-dimensional clamp configurations that allow for various diameters form 16 72 pipe to be cut. This is made possible by 8 fully mounted 250W high intensity LED lighting units surrounding the front facing operating area working in conjunction with visuals. The visual output of the OMP comes from cameras which can either be standard, high or 3D high definition (HD) -Ãâà 3D HD is preferred for the operations due to enhanced visuals allowing for a safer more efficient operation. 2.3 NAVIGATION Automatic controls for the OMP are used via fly by wire systems that allow for station keeping regarding depth, pitch, altitude and automatic pre-programmed headings. To allow for the altitude and headings to be correct a surveying grade gyro and backup fluxgate compass is available on board the ROV. Depth of the ROV unit is vital due to the foundations being at seabed level and to avoid collisions with the seabed and/or cuttings pilings in the area (Oceaneering, 2017). 2.4 LAUNCH AND RECOVERY SYSTEM (LARS) The adaptability of the OMP with regards to different LARS allows it to be used with multiple possible vessels when on site. There are various options available for the OMP: heavy weather over boarding, A-frame, cursor and heavy lift winching. To safely and successfully launch and recover the OMP an A-frame system was selected. This is due to its simplicity, lifting capabilities and cost reduction during mobilisation at a new site or location. 2.5 TETHER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (TMS) During under water operations the OMP can work either free swimming or via a TMS. Free swimming operations are directly connected to the ROV transmitting electrical power, mechanical payloads and optical signal by means of a tether during operations.Ãâà A TMS configuration includes the use of a side entry garage or a Top-hat connection where the topside umbilical is connected and then redistributes the power and signals to the ROV via a tethered connection. During this operation at the Frigg Field a Top-hat TMS would be used to guide, control and position the OMP throughout its cutting and removal operations. This is due to strong advantages such as: providing protection to the OMP as it is securely connected during launch and recovery, secure positioning reduces complications at splash zone interaction, the addition of the Top-hat TMS allows for a further working radius from the garage rather than free swimming operations and allowing for greater precision on deployment to the work site. A typical mission for the OMP varies depending on the level of cutting and removal of foundations during decommissioning operations. Regarding the case study adopted for the Frigg Field the typical mission expected would be as follows: Environmental checks would be carried out on the vessel to determine there is safe working conditions for the OMP to operate OMP and top-hat configuration would be connected and moved to launch platform of the A-frame Final checks of OMP before launch Launching and lowering of the OMP (via A-frame) into the water through the splash zone monitoring tension on the line Grounding at operational level of 98m Subsea pressure and containment checks then release from top-hat configuration Movement towards and interaction with dredging equipment via manipulators Dredging work carried out with standalone subsea dredge on completion the tooling would be removed Inspection of pile surfaces to be cut via front mounted cameras Interaction with ECT cutting equipment via manipulators Attachment of ECT cutting equipment to initial foundations monitoring workload from visuals Interaction with buoyancy sections being used for re-float x4 interaction, manipulation, fastening and final checks Final checks of whole system and foundation structure before final piles are cut Attachment of ECT cutting equipment for final cuts x4 carried out Monitoring the floating of the jacket structure and buoyancy module interaction via visuals Final checks of the seabed environment and coverage of unburied foundations Recovery operations via the top-hat configuration and return to surface Checks, assessment and maintenance of the ROV reported Having selected the OMP for the decommissioning and removal of the DP2 SPJF there are various areas that may cause difficulties during the installation, operating and maintaining the OMP. 4.1 SEA STATES WAVE AND CURRENTS In the Frigg field, the average speed of wind between the winter months December to February is about 9.9 m/s. For this wind velocity, waves are most likely to have a maximum height of 2.5m. However, during severe winter storms which occur roughly once per decade in the area, there is a significant possibility of wave average heights from 12.1m and maximum height of 24m. Currents do fluctuate, reliant on the speed and direction of the winds (Total, 2003). With these environmental considerations in the North Sea it was necessary to choose an ROV with high performance thrusters to aid in station keeping whilst operating. The OMP permits this with four powerful vectored horizontal and four vertical thrusters, which allow the system to move in four directions, vertical, lateral, roll and pitch comfortably with 2,000lbs of thrust available (Oceaneering, 2017). 4.2 LAUNCH AND RECOVERY OPERATIONS During launch and recovery operations there are expected difficulties such as: Large waves and high winds can cause the OMP and Top-hat TMS to swing wildly potentially impacting the vessel and causing damage to equipment Difficult deployment and recovery procedures when there a reduced deck space to accommodate the operation On drilling rigs the proximity of the OMP and Top-hat to the vessels hull and thrusters during entry and exit into the splash zone can become complicated Deployed extension cables can be required to reach satellite sites where it was not practical or possible to install via the Top-hat TMS 4.3 OPERATIONAL CUTTINGS Operational drill cuttings can be problematic with the removal of platform foundations due to its chemical makeup and mass surrounding the foundations at the sea bed. With the DP2 platform, 24 wells were drilled in total with an estimated upheaval of contained in an area of 80m x 120m at a maximum thickness of 20cm. Due to the low toxicity of the drilling mud used the cuttings can be removed and treated (Total, 2003). To combat this the OMP is capable of using a stand-alone 12 subsea dredge which can manipulate the suction nozzle aiding in the removal of drill cuttings and sediment surrounding the foundations before cutting operations (Oceaneering DTS, 2013). 5.1 OIL GAS The OMP can be used for different operations in the oil gas industry such as: inspection, maintenance and repair, installation, workover and control system (IWOCS), surveying, dredging, subsea tie-ins, flow assurance checks, assisting in the removal of subsea productions systems, mooring line servicing, cable laying operations, video servicing, acoustic positioning and BOP intervention. Such operations like these can take place in the deep-water environments up to 3,000m maximum operational depths of the OMP. With respect to maintenance, repair and installation operations, the OMP has the capacity of transferring hot tap fittings, pipeline clamps, misalignment ball connectors, swivel-ring flanges, breakaway joints, riser connections and other equipment for delivery, repair and installation. Trenching burial of pipes and cables are operations that are carried out by ROVs that have 200hp and above. The OMP can be considered for these types of laying and burial operations due to its classification and built in features (Oceaneering, 2017). One of the challenges facing operations in the offshore wind farm environment is observation and maintenance of fixed foundation based, cable monitoring, structural integrity checks and seabed surveys, the OMP is well suited to address these issues due to its comprehensive build, mostly in winter and less visible conditions (UnderwaterVision, 2017). 5.2 FRIGG FIELD VERSATILITY During the decommissioning operation of the DP2 jacket it became aware that extra preparation in cutting and removal of pile guides was needed to successfully fit and mount the buoyancy cans for removal. A solution to this was that a bespoke diamond wire tool and buoyancy solution was designed for operations to be carried out by ROV. With the OMP this could be successfully carried out due to its adaptability and tooling interaction (Proserv, 2017). 5.3 OCEAN SCIENCE The OMP can be used for scientific research under water such a sea animal and plants studies in natural environment, Arctic operations, if equipped with various sampling devices. Also, as it is equipped with 3D HD Camera (highly intensity LED) it can operate in extreme environments. Another strong versatile function is that it could be used for underwater interactions documentaries, filmmaking, archaeology projects, e.g. Mystery Mardi Gras shipwreck (Landis, 2017). 5.3 MILITARY The Millennium Plus vehicle optional power/ data interfaces (Ethernet/optical fibre) and other features built in it can be used for naval/military operation, primarily for mine hunting and mine breaking. Neutralizing and retrieving of explosives, moored mines and also inspection tasks like meteorology, detection of environmental hazard, port security, mine countermeasure and maritime intelligence. 5.4 FISHERIES AND AQUACULTURE The over exploitation of the North Sea remains a highly-discussed topic to date to combat this there has been a growing market for offshore fish farms. A typical mission would involve the OMP to either help install or inspect and monitor fish inside, inspect netting/cages that have been used for containment. The manipulator operability would allow for heavy cages to be moved into place and fastened securely whilst clearly visual (R. D. Christ, 2014), The OMP can perform a widespread range of activities however there is still the possibility for improvements that may be considered for future development and improved efficiency. 6.1 VISUAL Currently the OMP can be fitted with either: Standard Definition (SD), High Definition (HD) or a 3D HD camera. For improved visibility during decommissioning operations and dredging procedures where the water conditions could be blurred due to sediment, an upgrade to a 4K Ultra HD camera would be beneficial. The light sensitivity and quality of video produced would offer the OMP user a confidence even when the seabed conditions are not clear to operate. The upgraded camera can be fitted with some more technical specifications such as noise reduction, a wider area of view and higher contrast. With these camera upgrades, the user will have less misrepresentations and even better situation and spatial awareness. 6.2 POWER OUTPUT THRUST CAPABILITIES Improving the hydraulic power units on board to 2 x 125hp would allow for an increase in 300lbs of thrust in the vertical, lateral, forward and reverse directions this would allow for the OMP to: improve its station keeping abilities, be quicker during launch and recovery, manoeuvre heavier standalone tools and extra up thrust would allow the OMP to return to the surface with heavier loads more efficiently. 6.3 MANIPULATORS Increasing the manipulators range of motion would allow for more detailed technical operations to be carried out and improve the pilot/ROV interaction. This could be made possible by improving the dual manipulators to have 7 degrees of function and mounting a wrist camera assembly to improve visibility (Oceaneering, 2017). A manipulator that could be considered could be the TITAN 4 with its 7 degrees of motion, titanium material characteristics to reduce weight and titanium wrist mounted camera to increase visibility (FMC Technologies, 2017). Decom North Sea, 2014. Decommissioning in the North Sea Review of Decommissioning Capacity, s.l.: Decom North Sea. FMC Technologies, 2017. http://www.f-e-t.com. [Online] Available at: http://www.f-e-t.com/images/uploads/Schilling_Titan_4_with_Spares_Kit.pdf[Accessed 4 March 2017]. Landis, N., 2017. Naultilus Productions. [Online] Available at: http://nautilusproductions.com/projects/mystery-mardi-gras-shipwreck-documentary[Accessed 4 March 2017]. Oceaneering DTS, 2013. DTS Tooling. [Online] Available at: http://www.oceaneering.com/oceandocuments/brochures/subseaproducts/Oceaneering-DTS-Catalog-2013.pdf[Accessed 4 March 2017]. Oceaneering, 2017. http://www.oceaneering.com. [Online] Available at: http://www.oceaneering.com/oceandocuments/brochures/rov/ROV%20-%20Nexxus.pdf[Accessed 4 March 2017]. Oceaneering, 2017. Millennium Plus 220hp heavy work class ROV. [Online] Available at: http://www.oceaneering.com/oceandocuments/brochures/rov/ROV%20-%20Millennium%20Plus.pdf [Accessed 4 March 2017]. offshore Energy Today, 2012. http://www.offshoreenergytoday.com. [Online] Available at: http://www.offshoreenergytoday.com/tag/ocean-installer/page/2/[Accessed 10 March 2017]. Offshore-mag, 2000. Offshore-mag.com. [Online] Available at: http://www.offshore-mag.com/articles/print/volume-60/issue-8/news/two-part-kvitebjoslashrn-jacket-will-break-north-sea-water-depth-record.html[Accessed 19 Feb 2017]. Oil Gas UK, 2012. Oil Gas UK The Decommissioning of Steel Piled Jackets In the North Sea Region, s.l.: Oil Gas UK. Proserv, 2017. http://www.proserv.com. [Online] Available at: http://www.proserv.com/media/case-studies/decommissioning/frigg-field/[Accessed 4 March 2017]. R. D. Christ, R. L. W., 2014. The ROV Manual A User Guide for Remotely Operated Vehicles. 2nd ed. Waltham: Elsevier. stevo6187, 2017. imagala.com. [Online] Available at: http://www.imagala.com/post/1X5SEdD4ZD[Accessed 4 March 2017]. T Gram, R. K. J. K. M. J. E. K. C. H. A. S., 2011. Decommissioning of Frigg and MCP01 A Contractor View. Offshore Technology Conference, Volume 21708. Total, 2003. Frigg Field Cessation Plan, Stravanger: Total. Total, 2011. Frigg Field Cessation Plan Close Out Report, s.l.: Total. UnderwaterVision, 2017. Underwater Vision. [Online] Available at: http://www.underwatervision.co.uk/services/wind-farms-and-offshore/[Accessed 4 March 2017].
Friday, January 17, 2020
Bound Together and the Issues on Globalization
Nayan Chanda (2007), on the book ââ¬Å"Bound Together: How Traders, Preachers, Adventurers, and Warriors Shaped Globalizationâ⬠describes the history of globalization as a process that has existed even during the early civilizations of the world. The book is divided into sections that narrated different stories about how traders, preachers, adventurers and warriors were able to initiate the process of globalization. As has been recognized by Chanda (2007), as early as human beings ââ¬Å"migrated from Africa and dispersed throughout the world,â⬠they have established various ways to reconnect with each other.For Chanda (2007) the process of globalization is synonymous to ââ¬Å"interconnectedness and interdependenceâ⬠which took place thousands of years ago. The story opens on the scenario where the writer and his wife arrived to New Haven, Connecticut and have an electrician to fix some electrical outlets at their new home. The electrician, named Jerry, asked Chanda about what he is doing at Yale. Chanda answered his question citing that he is working with the Yale Center for the Study of Globalization. Jerry's reaction to such answer was different because he have his negative perception about the word ââ¬Å"globalization.â⬠As Jerry uttered ââ¬Å"Isn't it true that globalization destroys the rain forest? â⬠(Chanda, 2007, p. ix). From this encounter, Chanda realized that indeed, the word globalization has earned different definitions and connotations which made it complicated and incomprehensible for many average individuals. Thus, Chanda's book ââ¬Å"Bound Together: How Traders, Preachers, Adventurers, and Warriors Shaped Globalizationâ⬠is a result of his personal quest for understanding the concepts related to globalization.It attempts to answer the questions: who are the globalizers and how does globalization originates. Looking at the history of civilization, Chanda (2007) begins his story of globalization on the journey of modern humans out from Africa fifty thousand years ago. The primary reason for relocating and reconnecting with other dispersed human communities grew out of the necessity for survival. The first chapters of the book narrate the stories of different group of people such as traders, preachers, adventurers, and warriors on how they manage to reconnect with other dispersed communities.From merely finding new trade route to the ambition of expanding their empires, these group of people were able to establish interconnectedness with other group of people, community, country and continents. Chanda (2007) also allocated a chapter explaining why the word ââ¬Å"globalizationâ⬠happened to be associated with negative meanings. From merely being synonymous to ââ¬Å"interconnectedness of the world,â⬠globalization is now being linked to the ââ¬Å"destruction of the world. â⬠Chanda (2007) was able to identify that the term ââ¬Å"globalizationâ⬠is being widely used a s early as 1960s. In fact, this word had been included in the English vocabulary in 1961.However, it was not until 1990s when such world had been recognized around the world. Chanda (2007) identified that the word started to gain negative connotation due to different economic problems that have spawned during the process of globalization. Chapter nine of the book talks about individuals, groups and organizations who are afraid of globalization. Although many countries have experienced economic growth and prosperity brought by rapid economic integration ââ¬â being one of the process of globalization ââ¬â there are some people who regarded globalization as a toxic and evil process.Some people from ââ¬Å"Seattle to Cancun and Genoa to Hong Kongâ⬠were complaining about the ââ¬Å"undemocratic institutions and unfair policiesâ⬠associated with globalization (Chanda, 2007, p. 271). On final chapter of the book, Chanda (2007) provided a summary of the process of globali zation and have identified some problems that are likely to occur both in present time and the near future. Chanda (2007) identified that the speeding pace of globalization left behind many individuals and countries in the third world, as individuals and countries from develop world continues to progress.Globalization and Some Related Experiences Living in this modern world, no one is excused from experiencing both the positive and negative effects of globalization. Although Chanda (2007) was able to clearly define the pure meaning of globalization, being a process of interconnectedness and interdependence, the impact of globalization has been often perceived to be negative by many workers , immigrants, and inhabitants of poor countries like Africa. I happened to watch the movie ââ¬Å"The Constant Gardenerâ⬠which depicts the poor condition of African men, women and children.Some people belonging to the British High Commission transacted a business with one of the largest phar maceutical company in the United States, Karel Delacourt Hudson or much known as KDH. Part of the program of British High Commission and KDH is to launch a new discovered medicine that would cure individuals infected with AIDS/HIV. Although the intension is good, the program's process is evil. KDH chose Africa as the pilot ââ¬Å"medical testing centerâ⬠for Dypraxa, a newly invented medicine that would cure AIDS/HIV.A free medical mission was conducted in an African community with high prevalence of AIDS/HIV. Since the effectiveness of the medicine is still unknown, African women and children were treated as ââ¬Å"testing ratsâ⬠whose life seems not worthy if their body fails to respond according to what is expected. After a series of ââ¬Å"medicationâ⬠the effects of medicine turned out to be worse as many Africans died after taking the Dypraxa medicine. While the people of Africa are mourning for the death of their beloved, the pharmaceutical company owners conti nuously conduct their experiment.This only shows that there are capitalists and powerful people who prefer to utilize the marginalized group for their own advantage and economic good. Poor people who fall for the trap of capitalists are left with no choice but to comply accordingly with their orders, as these capitalists can manipulate or deny the poor access to their basic needs. Moreover, the film also shows how the governments of United States and Britain are being manipulated by some capitalists in order to become economically abundant.While the government wants to create jobs and to secure the health of its citizens, there are capitalists who would take advantage of a situation that would favor the economic interest of businessmen. Such is one of the unjust consequences of globalization. When advantaged people preferred to use ââ¬Å"interconnectedness and interdependenceâ⬠to gain economically even if the lives of marginalized individuals are at stake. As Chanda (2007) wr ote, ââ¬Å"The paths of commerce are followed by diseases {and problems]; Africa and to some extent Latin America have been further impoverished as [other parts of the world] have been enrichedâ⬠.Moreover, it is disheartening to see individuals who could not afford to eat even one good meal for a day; who could not have the opportunity to learn even how to read and write; who could not avail medical services; and who could not adapt on the rapid changes occurring around their simple environment. While other individuals, especially the capitalists and elitists, are enjoying the fruitful reward of globalization to their economic status, the marginalized people are suffering from poverty, hunger, diseases and illiteracy.Only few individuals from the marginalized sectors were able to survive and adapt on the past changes and developments brought by globalization. The struggles of small workers who are mostly from third world countries who are looking for a job that would give them better pay, especially in developed countries, are also alarming such that skilled migrants workers are not strongly secured when working outside their home country. I have met some skilled workers from other countries and was able to know some of their experiences.I came to discover that the globalization process enables them to work in other countries as international relations between countries allows the entry of workers in foreign land. However, with regard to security of tenure, living and benefits as worker, the process of globalization is still unable to guarantee good working conditions for migrant skilled workers. As Chanda (2007) noted, ââ¬Å"Fair is the treatment of globalization, yet the sorry condition of Africa and other parts of the world does not quite fit in with the positive consequences attributed to globalization.â⬠In addition, migration experiences like the experiences of traders and adventurers are good if such experience was able to satisfy the goal o f the migrating individual. Yet on some parts of the world, interconnectedness and interdependence are not perceived positively by some people. For them the process of globalization only permits the exploitation of the natural and human resources of one's country. As I have visited one of the countries in the third world, I feel unwelcome as some of the people out there are against Whites.They perceived Whites as the main actors of globalization and thus the only people who could benefit from such process. Like Jerry, I am often confused and being surprised everytime I do hear the word ââ¬Å"globalization. â⬠Due to past experiences and negative encounters with other groups of people, I came to perceive that globalization is an evil thing. Instead of uniting the people and countries around the world, globalization causes many individuals and countries to hate one another.Instead of interconnectedness and interdependence, some people, including me, perceive globalization as an instrument that would prevent connectedness and dependence to other countries due to unbalanced progress associated with globalization that is occurring on different parts of the world. As developed countries are continuously progressing, other countries are regressing such that poverty, diseases and other epidemic or phenomena brought by the collapse of a country's economy are negatively affecting marginalized citizens of a particular country.Poor and illiterate people are always identified as victims of unjust economy. Reflections on Chanda's Bound Together Upon reading Chanda's book ââ¬Å"Bound together: How traders, preachers, adventurers, and warriors shaped globalization,â⬠I have realized that indeed globalization is neither an evil word nor an unjust process. The history of globalization brought dispersed countries into a state of civilization and economic improvement.However, inevitable occurrences in economic system and the private interest of few powerful individual s altered the positive attributes of globalization, interconnectedness and interdependence. If all people, would only realize the benefits we could reap from becoming active agents of globalization, this process would not be hard and unjust. Globalization has indeed dominated most parts of the world. Many countries are now enjoying the fruits that came from exchanges of culture, knowledge, information, products, services, economic and social activities with others.Most relationships or interconnectedness with other countries permitted economic transactions that paved ways to product and services exchanges which in turn caused progress on both countries. If only the pure reason associated with ancient globalization could be improved and if only the process of globalization could better consider the marginalized, other people and countries would not hesitate to become cooperative with the process.In addition, if people could find better ways of adapting the changes associated with glo balization, the problem of velocity would not have taken its place. As Chanda (2007) wrote, ââ¬Å"The big difference that marks globalization of the early years with that of the present are in velocity. Yet life in every country today is so inextricably intertwined with the rest of the world that failure to appreciate this interdependence and its long-term effects could risk the world's drifting toward a major crisis.â⬠Since globalization is becoming increasingly inevitable, the only choice left for every people and country is to work towards the attainment of the globalization's objective: integration, interconnectedness and interdependence. Indeed, Chanda's book has enlightened me the real process and objective of globalization. Such that negative perceptions about globalization turned into a positive one. Moreover, the book helped me gain better understanding and futuristic view of globalization in this society.The progress of every country is still possible if globalizati on would be practiced in such a way that it would develop the economical, political and social relations of every country. Since globalization is inevitable, the only task left for every individual is to work towards development and progress for the betterment of everyone in the community and the world as a whole. References Chanda, N. (2007). Bound together: How traders, preachers, adventurers, and warriors shaped globalization. New Haven, Conn: Yale University Press. Dir. Fernando Meirelles. Perfs. Ralph Fiennes, Rachel Weisz. (2005). The Constant Gardener.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Computer Generated Imagery And Its Effects - 1983 Words
Computer-generated imagery was being developed during the 1980s and it soon started being used in films for effects. Rickitt (2006) explains that effects during the 80s were not just there to solve problems and producing impossible shots like their initial purpose but used as a marketing tool for films to promote themselves based on the quality of the image and amount of visual effects involved. Star Wars was the first film to make use of this marketing tool and made people grow more interest on the film itself as well as the effects and of course, this brought more income to the studios. This trend of using effects to promote films was immediately picked up and abused, but it did not last long. Tron (1982) was the first film based almost entirely on computer-generated scenery and massively advertised for them. However it ended up failing at the box office even though it had superb computer generated effects at the time of its release. Rickitt described that the failure of Tron could have been what made visual effects take longer to develop and being incorporated in films. This was the first sign that a film heavily equipped with effects does not mean that it would make a hit. Narrative is an important element of a film and effects cannot compensate for a bad narrative (McClean, 2007). After a decade of slow development, computer-generated imagery made its appearance once more in Jurassic Park (1993) and changed the opinions directors and studios regarding visual effects.Show MoreRelatedCgi (Computer Generated Imagery)1435 Words à |à 6 PagesSandra Lewis English 102.033 Mr. Larsen April 3, 2011 Computer-Generated Imagery Forever Changes The Face Of Film And Television Movies were entirely revolutionized in the 1990s after the release of Toy Story (1995), the first feature length animation made entirely from CGI (computer-generated imagery) to be released. 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Enter the Void is not only remarkable for its daring first-person perspective camera work, but Gaspar Noà ©Ã¢â¬â¢s brilliant use of computer-generated imagery allows him to visually synthesize the sex, drugs, and violence of this film, into a complex masterpiece. Noà © is able to create a visual beauty and sense of spirituality through the help of computer-generated imagery, even allowing the audience to share Oscarââ¬â¢s experience hallucinating after smoking DMT. Noà © experimented with hallucinogens in hisRead MoreDesigning A Computer Model Of A Human Body1336 Words à |à 6 Pagesor animation from any 2D or 3D model with the help of computer programs. The model generated holds three dimensional qualities such as shadows, texture, lighting and viewpoint. Rendering can take a few minutes or even up to days for a single image per frame. In a 3D graphics context, rendering is a leading interactive media process and the last stage in the pipeline. 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Some pros are the big screen filled with special effects and booming surround sound can really draw the viewer into the action. Some cons are that this movie genre can try to rely on special effects alone and lose the plot line. Also, if a movie in this genre has bad special effects, the theater going experience can be ruined. Furthermore, romanticRead MoreHigh Artistic Merit Films Exude Special Effects That Take Hollywood By Storm Essay1538 Words à |à 7 PagesHigh artistic merit films exude special effects that take Hollywood by storm. The American Film Institute lists Forrest Gump as one of the greatest American films of all time. Released in 1994 by Paramount Pictures, Forrest Gump tells the story of a Southern, mentally challenged man named Forrest Gump who experiences many tribulations in his life, such as having a low IQ of 75 and wearing braces on his leg as a child. 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The central element of the film that was significantly improved in King Kong (2005) was visual effects, evident by its Oscar win for Best Visual Effects. It was remarkable for having the largest number of visual effects shots in a single film. In 1933, stop motion animation was revolutionised with the release of KingRead MoreNegative Effects Of Blockbuster Movies962 Words à |à 4 PagesBlockbuster films, such as Star Wars and Avatar, exemplify what an awe-inspiring plot, talented actors, and flawless computer generated imagery can achieve. Although acquiring an exceptional plot and proficient actors is nothing new to produce a high grossing movie, the main contributor that separates award winning films today from the classics half a century ago is C.G.I. Undoubtedly, C.G.I revolutionized the whole cinema industry ranging from the increasing popularity of the sci-fi genre to the
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
The Buraku - Untouchables of Japan
During the Tokugawa Shogunates rule in Japan, the samurai class sat atop a four-tier social structure. Below them were farmers and fishermen, artisans, and merchants. Some people, however, were lower than the lowest of merchants; they were considered less than human, even. Although they were genetically and culturally indistinguishable from other people in Japan, the buraku was forced to live in segregated neighborhoods, and could not mingle with any of the higher classes of people. The buraku was universally looked down upon, and their children were denied an education. The reason? Their jobs were those designated as unclean by Buddhist and Shinto standards - they worked as butchers, tanners, and executioners. Their jobs were tainted by their association with death. Another type of outcast, the hinin or sub-human, worked as prostitutes, actors, or geisha. History of Burakumin Orthodox Shinto and Buddhism consider contact with death unclean. Therefore those in occupations where they are involved in slaughtering or processing meat are avoided. These occupations were considered lowly for many centuries, and impoverished or dislocated people may have been more likely to turn to them. They formed their own villages separated from those who would shun them. The feudal laws of Tokugawa period, starting in 1603, codified these divisions. Buraku could not move out of their untouchable status to join one of the other four castes. While there was social mobility for others, they had no such privilege. When interacting with others, burakuminà had to show subservience and could not have any physical contact with those of the fourà castes. They were literally untouchables. After the Meiji Restoration, the Senmin Haishirei edict abolished the ignoble classes and gave the outcasts equal legal status. The ban on meat from livestock resulted in an opening of slaughterhouse and butcher occupations to the burakumin. However, the social stigma and discrimination continued. Descent from the burakumin could be deduced from ancestral villages and neighborhoods where the burakumin lived, even if individuals dispersed. Meanwhile, those who moved to those neighborhoodsà or professions could themselves be identified as burakumin even without ancestors from those villages. Continued Discrimination Against the Burakumin The plight of the buraku is not just a part of history. Discrimination is faced by descendants of buraku even today. Buraku families still live in segregated neighborhoods in some Japanese cities. While it is not legal, lists circulate identifying burakumin, and they are discriminated against in hiring and in arranging marriages. Numbers of burakumin range from an official tally of around one million to over three million as assessed by the Buraku Liberation League. Denied social mobility, some join the yakuza, or organized crime syndicates, where it is a meritocracy. Approximately 60 percent of yakuza members are from burakumin backgrounds. Nowadays, however, a civil rights movement is having some success in improving the lives of modern-day buraku families. It is disheartening that even in an ethnically homogenous society, people will still find a way to create an outcast group for everyone else to look down upon.
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